Monday, February 13, 2006

As a candidate, he makes a great wide receiver

So Lynn Swann won the Republican nomination for Pennsylvania Governor this weekend (surprise, surprise). I, like many men my age, idolized Swann as a child watching the acrobatic catches he so routinely made. Being that Swann has no political experience or background, Swann's selection by the Republican party as the person to go up against Ed Rendell seems to be a desperate attempt to fool the people of Pittsburgh into voting for their candidate.

Swann is as hardcore a conservative republican as they get. In the past weekend he said he would sign any law outlawing abortion as well as coming out against an increase in the minimum wage (apparently the state's competitive advantage is tied to the backs of the workers who can least afford it). That Swann would then talk about the "lip-service" that the Democratic Party gives to minorities that automatically vote for them, is laughable with so many minorities living below the poverty level and earning this minimum wage. The lip-service that Democrats pay minorities is is a step up from the out and out ignorance that the Republicans generally give. While coming out against the minimum wage increase, he wants to cut business taxes. Maybe Swann has been a part of the elite too long to know, that you can't expect that favors that benefit businesses will trickle down to the employees. We've been down that road before.

Swann talks about Pennsylvania values in his vision for the state. His vision boils down to favoring businesses, improving education, and Roe V. Wade. Apparently Pennsylvania values have nothing to do with children being able to go to school without being shot. Apparently a living wage is also outside the values of Pennsylvanians. Health care reform? Nope - we apparently we don't value that either. Swann should be careful, the Pennsylvania he blasts in his vision is the same Pennsylvania that has had a Republican legislature for as long as I can remember.

Pittsburgh and Allegheny County will probably be the key to the election. Rendell can count on overwhelming support from the Philadelphia area and the Swann will ironically count on support from the middle of the state (where flying the confederate flag isn't as embarrassing as it should be). This leaves Pittsburgh which generally votes Democrat - but can they vote against a football hero in a year where Pittsburgh is all about football?

Let's hope so.


Howard said...

I love that the entire reason for Swann being nominated is explained at the end of the post like any good story.

" a year where Pittsburgh is all about football?"

Can you get any more blatant with political manipulation? "We'll use the good fortune of Pittsburgh and the entire state of Pennsylvania (did I spell that right?) for our purposes. BWAH-HA-HA-HA!"

It was cool that you didn't get Mel Brooks about that and hit us over the head. The reader comes to their own conclusion. Nice. I'll be crossing my fingers for you out here in Colorado where we get to vote to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Break out the stakes and let's burn some bitches.

Spencer said...

I've made my decision and I feel it's a somewhat informed decision. I really don't care too much if people vote for Swann as long as they do so for the right reasons. I know that the majority of the people in this election will not take the time to go to Swann's website and find out about his beliefs (for that matter they won't go to Rendell's site either, but after 4 years as Governor, 2 as DNC Chairman, 8 as Philadelphia mayor, and Philly DA for 17 years he has something that Swann doesn't - a record).

I do wonder if having a black candidate will hurt the GOP. The center of this state is none too inclusive and that portion of the state must vote overwhelmingly for Swann for him to win.

It's funny that you have such progressive issues to discuss. Pennsylvania is the most conservative state in the northeast until about 2 years ago you couldn't buy alcohol on Sundays; still can't buy a car on Sundays; Maryland, New Jersey, and New York have all banned cigarrette smokin in most public places but it will never happen here (maybe in Philadelphia). We have a liberal gun policy although the murder rate in Philadelphia is apalling.

Finally, this state has a history of being racist in the center - Jim Carville was right when he said Pennsylvania is really three states in one -- Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Alabama.

Merujo said...

This was really interesting and insightful, Spencer. Thanks. I don't think any of us outside of Pennsylvania knew anything about Swann's bid for office.

Everyone should just remember two words: Jesse Ventura.