Monday, June 05, 2006

Just after I proposed

Just after I proposed
Originally uploaded by speener.
A friend asked me for a pic. Here's a pic. I had just proposed - hence the deer in the headlight look on both of our faces.


Merujo said...

Awwww, you guys don't look like deer in headlights!

What a lovely picture. Congrats to you two - I bet you'll have a heckuva fun wedding!

Cyn said...

Happiness is...a deer-in-the-headlights look. (Imagine, if you will, that horrid 60's "happiness is..." naked cartoon couple here.)

My strange visualizations aside, what I mean to say is that the picture exudes a wonderful so-happy-we're-in-love vibe.

If you haven't already, print it and frame it, and put it someplace where you can see it for the rest of your lives. Together.

radiocynic said...

I think it's a great picture -- not deer-in-the-headlights, simply appropriately awestruck.

[I think Cyn and I set up some kind of picture like that of ourselves (that evening almost 12 years ago!) but a picture of her the following morning is the one that still sticks in my mind -- she kinda still had that look going a good 14 hours or so later!]

Anyway, fun! Congratulations again!