Friday, January 06, 2006

Disaster whore

Oh it's a fine line the media attempts to walk. Take Anderson Cooper - during the whole Katrina situation I said to the girlfriend "I really like that Anderson Cooper". Well that day has passed. Note to Anderson - if you show up at every disaster you go from being the next Peter Jennings to being the next Barbara Walters in a flash.

BTW - I don't care, I'm taking credit for the term disaster whore.

(Image from the Onion)


Merujo said...

There's an awesome t-shirt opportunity right there: a photo of Anderson Cooper (perhaps with Fox's disaster leech Shepard Smith, too) on the front with just the words "DISASTER WHORE" on the back.

Actually, that's a great band name, too.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're 'Disaster Whore'! Good night! Please buy a CD or t-shirt before you leave!"

Nice one, Spencer. Good job!

TaraMetBlog said...

I think you coined a gem phrase, although I still like him. I'm a sucker.