Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I know I'm a little late - but now I'm on board - no more Tom Cruise for me. The boycott has started. Now that's a little like swearing off a nail in the head, but he has gotten my money in the past - no more. If last year wasn't enough - this year he's forced Isaac Hayes off of South Park. One day the drugs are going to wear off and Katie is going to have a hell of a story. Of course she's got a little thetan in her, but I digress...

So apparently someone is running an ad against the grand master, or whatever cruise calls himself. Actually the ad is against scientology and paid for by their foes. WOO HOO - Scientology has foes? Oh yeah - non-insane people.

Why pay for Tom Cruise movies when his real life is much more entertaining?


Howard said...

I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade... or boycott. And take it with whatever amount of salt you would like; however, don't let it stop your anti-Cruise campaign!

This story just showed up on imdb this evening about how it's quite possible that the whole thing might be a publicity stunt. The kind that bloggers would jump all over.

I don't mind being used when I know upfront that there are no strings. :)

Spencer said...

I can't imagine Parker and Stone taking advantage of Hayes' illness in this way. Of course everyone will be watching South Park tomorrow to see what will happen.

If I had to bet on who would quit for Hayes, I would bet on Cruise.

So the boycott is still on!

Merujo said...

Welcome to the anti-Cruise ship. C'mon board!

L. Ron Hubbard was a lousy sci-fi writer who figured out how to relieve rich and insecure people of their money. I just have to wonder, do some of these peeps get to the "clear Thetan" level, get privy to the whole Xenu/alien warlord spirit thing, stop and say, "Holy crap! This is all BS, after all!"

I wish...

suze said...

oh my, welcome to the anit-cruise ship. my boycott started the minute he jumped on oprah's couch, and I haven't missed his movies one little bit. :)cd